
Make This Wish To Feed 5000 Wasted Kids On Your Birthday

Original price was: ₦50,000.00.Current price is: ₦25,000.00.

31.5 percent of of Nigerian kids suffer stunted growth, 11.7 percent die before they are five years old and 6.5 percent of kids suffer low weight compared to their height.

Help me make a difference on my birthday by donating to feed starving children! All donations received are used to make a difference

Join our campaign to feed one thousand (1,000) of these Nigerian kids suffering from lack of food. We are partnering with persons celebrating birthdays to raise awareness and support for these kids. If you will, add this wish to your wish list and let us enable these kids stay alive and grow to their potential. Click the Add to wishlist


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The global hunger index (GHI) survey shows that Nigeria has a serious hunger crisis ranking 103 out of 116 nations. Ironically, Nigeria ranks top in Africa in terms of food wastage per household. .

Food wastage in Nigeria per citizen is the highest in Africa according to Untied Nations. A Nigerian trashes at least 189 kilogrammes of food every year. This amounts to a total of 37.9 million (37,941,470) tonnes of food every 12 months.

A Nigerian trashes at least 37.9 million tons (189kg) of food annually which is estimated to be equal to food for 37.9M persons.

Despite the high levels of wastage and massive poverty (82 million Nigerians live on less than $1 (N410) -National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigerians seem unready to change the wasteful habit as they enjoy the lifestyle according to the report.

We must curb this trend even though it appears to be a global phenomenon, On a global scale, every person wastes 121 kg of consumer-level food each year, and 74 kilos of this happens in households,” the report states. See the video below by the GHI

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at the global, regional, and national levels


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