They say, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. Yet, our collaboration towards your moments & events can give a birthday wish life
With birthday’s, weddings and other special moments, you can achieve important goals;
Whatever your personal goals are, every moment or event in your life matters. Be it special, joyful or even sad, when used strategically, they drive or influence your goals.
A major personal goal we facilitate is
If 85% of all jobs are filled through networking, building great network becomes essential.
The good news is, network building & personal brand development are a few of the many ways we help your goals.
They say “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. Yet, our collaboration in your moments & events is making wishes come true. Make a birthday wish and see it fly.
{{trans('Drag and drop your video here')}}
{{trans('Click here')}} {{trans('to select and upload the video')}}
{{trans('Please leave your feedback')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`)}}
{{trans('You will be able to check your review before sending')}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`) }}
⚠️ {{ trans(`Camera and microphone access is blocked!`) }}
{{ trans(`Please give`) }} {{ trans(`microphone and camera access`) }} {{ trans(`to record video`) }}
{{ trans(`This site isn’t using https protocol.`) }} {{ trans(`Reviews cannot be recorded or uploaded`) }}
{{trans(`Not ready to record?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video Instead`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Review`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans('Changed mind?')}}{{trans(`Record Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Uploading video...')}}
{{ trans('Your Review has been successfully') }}
{{ trans('submitted') }}
Just wish to feed starving kids on your birthday. Dismiss