Experiences for Business Growth.
We create and manage winning experiences that help businesses achieve their goals. We identify and create special moments and experiences for.
We create and manage winning experiences that help businesses achieve their goals. We identify and create special moments and experiences for.
We create opportunities that build strong stakeholder relations - you get more dependable allies for business. Building strong relations with stakeholders and maintaining them takes effort, time and an action plan - we do just that.
We help companies win the hearts of their customers even after the loss of a customer to bad experiences within their business ecosystem.
At the Nectare Experience center, we cook surprise and routine experiences that enables brands connect to their stakeholders on a passionate and emotional level.
We have a portfolio of experience programs for companies and their stakeholders.
85% of persons surveyed feel special when others put lots of energy into celebrating their birthday. Via the celebrity blast we help companies celebrate and create experiences for their stakeholders (customers, employees etc)
Eighty nine percent (9 in 10) of persons surveyed say it’s Important and significant to Celebrate birthdays,
74% of consumers held positive opinion of the brand after receipt of birthday messages from the company.
Eighty-eight (88%) of the customer's positive reactions translated to an increase in brand loyalty.
jumps 12% just before birthdays as people self-reflect particularly during milestone or mid-life celebrations. (HBR)
We take the routine office break and lunch hour beyond eating to a rejuvenating, team bonding and productive experience for employees to reset their minds and bodies.
“Fewer than half of employees surveyed take a lunch break away from their desk on an average day.
Regular breaks from mental tasks can give the brain time to think and stimulate new idea & make the task easier.
As little as a 40 second ‘microbreaks’ was found to improve workers sustained attention.
A company culture that encourages breaks at work can improve engagement and job satisfaction.
We help companies win the hearts of their customers even after losing the battle for a customer to a bad experience across their business ecosystem.
We seize those moments in each customer's life to create unique experiences that resonates with them.
Sometimes it only takes a little creative spark to create experiences that wow your customers and stakeholders
We create remarkable and memorable experiences that lives in the heart of your stakeholders.
Is a great treat for stakeholders as it works on the dopamine system in our brains helping with focus, attention and perspective.
Let us create experiences that attracts leads and potential clients
We explore and seize moments that potential connect with customers.
Connect with customers in non transactional ways that converts them to fans and advocates.
Explore fun ways to keep your customers via pleasurable experiences
Creation and delivery of memorable Human Experiences (HX)
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Just wish to feed starving kids on your birthday. Dismiss